Friday, November 11, 2011

Flowers for Algernon page 712 Questions

Finish reading Daniel Keyes' "Flowers for Algernon" on page 200-222 in Brown Literature Book

Using complete sentences, complete the following questions that were found on page 712 in the Green Literature Book...

Respond and Think Critically:
1. In your own words, describe the most significant events in this part of the story. [Summarize]
2. As Charlie's intelligence increases, he begins to lose his ability to communicate with people. Why do you think this happens? [Interpret]
3. When Charlie goes back to Miss Kinnian's class, why does she start to cry and then run out of the room? [Infer]
4. Charlie describes his own pain as his intelligence decreases. Do you think the author is suggesting that Charlie would have been better off if he had never had the operation? Why or why not? [Analyze]
5. As the story ends, Charlie is planning to leave New York. What do you think will happen to Charlie? Explain your thoughts. [Synthesize]
6. BIG QUESTION: Think about what really matters to Charlie when he is a genius. Does this change as he loses his intelligence? Cite examples from the story. [Compare and Contrast]

Vocabulary Practice:
On a separate sheet of paper, write the vocabulary word the correctly completes each sentence. If none of the words fits the sentence, write "none".

a. Technique b. Cowered c. Petition d. Obscure e. Tangible

1. The window's dirt was thick enough to ___________ the view.
2. The boy's friends called him a ____________ because he wouldn't jump off the high-dive board.
3. The boxer's fighting ___________ made him unbeatable.
4. The Quiz Bowl champions gave the principal a __________ for a day off from school.
5. The brightly shining sun helped ____________ the tall mountains.
6. The fog was so thick it seemed quite ___________.
7. During the hurricane, the family ____________ in the basement.

Review: VOICE
2. Throughout the story, Charlie's writing changes. In what ways do the words Charlie writes reveal his increasing intelligence? Support your answer with details and information from the story.
3. In what ways do the words Charlie writes toward the end of the story reveal the loss of his intelligence? Support your answer with details and information from the story.

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